Julie M Walsh, Reiki Master, Practitioner and Teacher offering Distant Reiki and Online Reiki Healing or a Distant Reiki Remote Healing Session is offered for loved ones who are unable to attend an actual session. Because Reiki Life force Energy is not measured by time or distance, this type of healing might be best suited as the client is not needed to be present. The session is conducted the same as if the client was in the Reiki room.
Julie Walsh , owner of Heavenly Hollow treats her long Distant Reiki Healing, Remote Healing, Sessions with the same respect as she would as if the client is in front of her. The intended client remains in the comfort of their own home going about daily life and It is not recommended that the client lays still while the Distant Healing Session is taking place. Julie uses a name or a picture for the intended and any special concerns can be discussed by email or by phone prior to your session. By working closely with a variety of modalities including your guides, archangels, and crystals during this spiritual healing. After the session is complete Julie will email or call to let you know that she has completed the session and discuss any feelings that have come up during the session with you at that time.
During a Reiki Session the client will lay first on their back on a Reiki Massage table fully clothed. A warm blanket will be offered along with a pillow for the head and a pillow for under the knees (if desired). We offer Chair Reiki for those that cannot lie down comfortably. A quiet atmosphere with soft soothing meditative music will be present to invite total relaxation. The Reiki Practitioner will then do what is called a “scanning” of the body. This is done by the practitioner placing his/her left hand at the top of the clients head about 3”- 5” and moving the hand above the person's face and down toward the feet. Scanning and healing the energy field is very healthy because the cause of most illnesses and other problems is in the aura. By treating the aura, we can start to heal any problems before they manifest in the physical body. At this time the practitioner will also ask the client if they have a certain part of the body that they need more healing. Please remember that Reiki energy is very intelligent and will ALWAYS direct it to where the body needs most. Next, the Reiki Practitioner will then begin a series of hand positions to treat the body’s chakras or energy centers usually starting at the head. Should the client be a little apprehensive the Practitioner may start at the feet to invite calmness and less anxiety and then move to the head. Please be advised that at no time will the practitioner touch any of the client’s personal areas such as the breasts or genitals. If the client chooses Reiki can also be done as “hands off” just slightly above the client. Normal feeling and sensations during a Reiki session may involve heat coming from the Practitioners hands, tingling, and extreme calmness. In some cases the client may even feel emotional. Please note this is all normal and healthy. When the front of the body is complete the client will be asked to turn over onto his/her stomach so Reiki may be done on the back area. Once the session is complete the client will be offered water as it is good to drink plenty of water after a Reiki Session. The Practitioner will then take the time to discuss the treatment with the client and any questions that the client may have.
Again, Reiki knows where to flow to and will direct itself to that area if no area of concern is directed.
**Drink plenty of water after your Distant Reiki Treatment as the release of toxins occur during your session. ( comparable to toxins released during massage)
~Total time for a long DISTANT SESSION is 30 - 45 minutes~ Safe for Children and of all ages.
Julie M. Walsh holds a Certified Reiki Master , Reiki Practitioner and Teacher background practicing the Usui Reiki Method Technique along with a separate, but compatible service of healing in Integrated Energy Therapy as an Advanced IET Practitioner from The Center of Being, Inc. Julie also holds numerous certifications with Angel ~ology along with many courses in Psychology from The Sage Colleges in Albany NY. She has even taken several accredited courses from The American Meditation Institute . In addition to the above modalities, Julie often includes the use of crystals, gemstones, angelology, aromatherapy (scent), and music (sound) in her healing sessions to enhance their effectiveness.
As Heavenly Hollow’s Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, Julie M. Walsh received her Master Usui/Tibetan Reiki Ryoho certification in a class room setting from Pathways to Harmony, Bob McGrath, and her attunement lineage is sixth generation removed from Dr. Mikao Usui, who founded the Reiki system of energy healing in 19th century Japan.
Copyright © 2013 Heavenly Hollow - All Rights Reserved.
Heavenly Hollow 523 Dunham Hollow Road Averill Park 12018.
Phone 518-281-4561 heavenlyhollowdist.com
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Reiki Level 1 Class and take the first step on your journey.
Saturday March 29, 2025
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